Couples Therapy | Marriage Counseling
Couples Therapy or Marriage Counseling in Grand Rapids, MI
“We go to a mechanic to fix our cars, call a plumber to fix the leaky toilet and the dentist for a tooth ache. Why wouldn’t we seek Marriage counseling or couples therapy to fine tune our relationships? ”
Couples Therapy and Marriage Counseling takes effort.
Relationships are work. There is no doubt about that. When we do not give relationships consistent attention they start to fall apart. Sometimes slowly. Sometimes with rapid speed. Both leaving two people feeling lost.
We are passionate about couples therapy and marriage counseling for healthy relationships. We are confident we can share tools to get you back on track. Often times after marriage counseling or couples therapy everyone feels more connected than ever before.
Because we are so passionate about couples therapy and marriage counseling we continually work to educate counseling professionals on new relevant therapy approaches. We research tools, resources and relevant approaches to share with our clients in our Wyoming, MI office. Each counseling practitioner participates in supervision and consultation. Yes, we are educated and trained therapists but we are also very real people in real relationships. It is highly encouraged that each practitioner be mindful of their own relationships and be able to “practice what we preach”.
“Conflict is an opportunity to learn to love our partner better over time. ”
What is couples counseling?
Couples counseling is a designated time to meet with a counselor who specializes in and has experience to help resolve conflict and repair the relationship. Some couples seek therapy to be proactive. Every couple is different. We all struggle with different issues, different family, and a history unique to the two of you.
We specialize in the Gottman Method Couples Therapy and use a variety of other therapeutic approaches to support you both
What are the reasons for couples therapy or marriage counseling?
Communication issues
Affair Recovery
Blended family difficulties
Differences in raising children
Financial issues
Extended family complications
Sexual difficulties
Substance Abuse
Trust issues
Dealing with infertility
Anxiety Disorder
Post Partum Disorder
There are additional reasons to attend relationship therapy and we feel the counselors at Portal Point Counseling have the tools, experience and best approach to help all couples.
“Never let your house cat greet your partner more enthusiastically than you do!”
What should we expect?
We welcome you into our warm inviting neutral Wyoming, MI office for your couples therapy or marriage counseling session.
Be open. This can be difficult for many people as you do not likely know your therapist at all. We do not typically share personal information with a stranger. In therapy you are working with a trained professional. Your therapist is a neutral third party with no biases. It is a safe space to share your current situation and struggles with no judgment. The more we know the more we can see the barriers.
Be willing. Repairing a relationship is two sided. It will not work well if the other person is not engaged. Your counselor will offer suggestions that either may be obvious to you or things you have never thought of. You are here because something isn’t working. Be open to new suggestions, different strategies, and insight into your relationship. And when you leave the office... be willing to practice the things you learned.
Be humble. During this time we will be taking a long look at your relationship current state and historically. We ALL have areas that we could improve in. We ALL have habits. We ALL have done things that we wish we wouldn’t have. We see much more success when each person is able to be open to improving themselves as well as their relationship.
What is Pre-Marital Counseling?
Pre-marital counseling is when two people meet with a therapist to work to avoid conflict in their future relationship.
There will be difficult times in your relationship. You will argue. We are not perfect. We want to share with you the tools to recover quickly from difficult times and move forward together and stronger.
Wedding planning of often surrounded by idealism and not realism. It’s important to be honest with each other up front and discuss what could be difficult conversations if they wait too long to be addressed. Let’s get you sent off on the right foot! So many couples come to us years down the road and say “I wish we would have talked about this years ago before it became a problem.”
How long will it take to fix us?
Again this is unique to your relationship. Your counselor is responsible and committed to hearing you both in a neutral setting. Taking the information you share during your couples therapy session each counselor will provide specific interventions to use. Something we make very clear - there are 168 hours in a week. You are likely in couples therapy or marriage counseling 1 hour a week. This leaves a lot of responsibility on BOTH of you as a team to use the interventions and to be mindful of the work you have accomplished in your couples therapy session. Simply coming to your marriage counseling or couples therapy appointment will not repair your relationship.
As mentioned... It. Is. Work! The work continues even after the counseling sessions. We work with all couples to help them realize the importance of consistent maintenance on their precious relationship. The hope is this comes much easier with time.
Some couples schedule marriage counseling or couples counseling after some time has passed between appointments for a “checkup” or a “reset”. This doesn’t mean that you failed. It means you are involved in the health of your relationship and just like a car... relationships sometimes need regular tune ups.
What If?
What if we are just too busy?
All too quickly we find ourselves running from work to appointments, to home, to kids and the list goes on. Take a moment to think about how much the current state of your relationship is impacting all those things listed above. It’s impacting your happiness. It’s impacting your self confidence. It’s affecting your kids. It’s distracting you at work. You aren’t sleeping well. You are sad. If you knew that you could positively impact all of those things by working on your relationship why wouldn’t you find the time? We don’t often feel comfortable saying this but- your relationship should come first. You need to be united as a team to effectively manage all the aspects of life that you are faced with. Make the time. Make the time for each other. Make the time. It’s for your family.
What if we are too far gone?
You are not. You’re not because you are reading this. You found this website because you are searching for something. You might not know yet what it will looks like but there a glimmer of hope. Broken things can be fixed. Broken relationships require apologies and commitment (Insert picture of 50%) If you are willing to try we are committed to advocating for you.
What if my partner won’t come to counseling with me?
No doubt about it this adds to the challenge but does not make it impossible. We can’t expect that both of you will be ready at the exact same time. Instead of waiting until you are both open to it at least one of you will get the ball rolling. You will work with your therapist one on one to discuss the situation and ways to work with your partner at home. There are still benefits of evaluating your own behaviors and reactions that improve your relationship. We don’t encourage ultimatums and we don’t encourage you to spring this on your partner. When people come more willingly the better the conversation goes.
What if I do not want my partner to come with me?
This is an option. There are times when one partner in the relationship is dealing with some serious issues that are impacting the relationship. Sometimes it is depression or anxiety causing the strain. Each person has the option to work one on one with a therapist to overcome the issues they may be struggling with. Maybe your significant other is displaying signs of depression or anxiety symptoms and the depression and anxiety is the reason they do not want to attend counseling.
Do you tell my partner all the things we talk about in therapy?
No. Although we take the vows of marriage and commitment of long term relationships very seriously we will not tell your partner the personal things we discuss without your full permission and visa versa.
“What if I fall? Oh, but darling what if you fly?”
“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.”
Getting Started with Marriage Counseling | Couples
Therapy in Grand Rapids
There are numerous reasons couples seek an experienced relationship therapist. If you are lacking intimacy, struggling with lack of communication or affair recovery you are not alone. We have helped many who have felt disconnected, lacked good communication, or struggled with many other relationship challenges. If you live in the Grand Rapids, MI area, help is available. Our therapists regularly help married couples and partnerships flourish at our Wyoming, MI Counseling Center. Please contact us today and let us help you and your partner navigate this troubled time and assist both of you develop a stronger bond and future.
Other counseling services at Portal Point Counseling.
In addition to Couples Therapy | Marriage Counseling, we offer other counseling services including counseling for anxiety, Post Partum Depression counseling, grief counseling, adjustment, expressive arts therapy and family counseling. Contact us today to get started.